Friday, December 9, 2011


To jump directly to the self-healing steps, scroll halfway down this page to the words "THE BROCHURE."
(click to go to definition)



New Material is added often. So please come back frequently and check for new titles under "pages" listed above.


The brochure below can be down-loaded and printed out, for you to disseminate. It describes a Cancer Self-Healing process that really works. See the Page "Personal Stories"(under construction), in this website,  for examples of self-healing stories. And please add your own self-healing, or alternative healing story in the "Comments" section at the very bottom of this page--(scroll past a lot of white.)

I will be using the Vesica Piscis Method, as presented in the brochure and in this blog, as a foundation. It is a sketch of the skeleton of the process. To flesh it out, I will be writing in more detail about each section in the brochure,  and posting it at this website in the form of separate pages. 

To get regular updates as material is added, click the email feed
box in the side bar.

If you have already read the brochure...
and got stuck in the at question #2 about "EMOTIONS," (see below) please click on this link,  "What Am I Feeling?" Or click on the same words above in the "pages" bar.

Feel free to download and disseminate this brochure.  You are  encouraged to use this brochure as the foundation for your own healing and when you have achieved that, to use it to start holding your own VESICA PISCIS HEALING EVENTS for others as well.

Such events, while serious, will have something of a "party" air to them. This may sound like an odd thing to call a gathering which addresses such as a subject as cancer. However, one of our major allies  in our efforts to self-heal from cancer--(which I have done myself--see My Story )-- is the INNER CHILD.  

The fact that anyone has cancer tells me that their inner child needs more nurturing. She needs to have this healing method presented in a way that she enjoys! Thus I offer a " party" element as well as an educational element. The events are meant not only to be fun--for the child, but also highly informative--for the intellect. 

The inner child will be offered food, music, dance, singing, art and  games at  times--all with a view to healing the cancer. Of course, each individual will always have complete freedom to reject any process that is not comfortable for them.

Who is this inner child?
The inner child is a very wise aspect of ourselves and KNOWS why you have cancer. However, she needs playful creative ways to express what she knows. (Click here for more on her.)

These POSITIVE support groups will be formed as they are requested. These will offer a process for people with cancer who want to explore a non-invasive, no cost, deeply healing process together with others. Email me at if you are interested in starting one or joining one. These gatherings are  positive and COMPASSIONATE  gatherings. 

Healing through releasing the old.
In order to heal, first negative emotions must be uncovered and fully allowed. After fully feeling them there will be an appropriate time (as determined by the individual) to release those feelings and to reach for a more positive thought or belief--even if it just a little more energy in it. Slowly--or quickly--one can nudge oneself up a ladder of emotions from utter despair to peace--or eventually even to  joy! As this happens, healing happens. 

But the general purpose of the Vesica Piscis Healing Event is to go through the steps outlined in the brochure and the information below--in a playful way--and even feeling deep long hidden feelings and "knowings" can be-- if not playful-- then at least cathartic, if it happens in a supportive environment. 

Kuan Yin, Compassion and Support...
Kuan Yin, in Chinese Buddhism is the one who is,  "Observing the Sounds (or Cries) of the World" (Wikipedia). And a Vesica Piscis Healing Event is extremely supportive and compassionate.   The leaders are totally non-judgmental about any information that an individual shares--no matter how shocking in the usual sense. Leaders can be counted on to provide a non-judgmental environment. One of the most common misunderstandings about self-healing is the idea that people are being blamed for their own illness. This is a trick of the rational mind. There is no blame implied anywhere in this process--even while it teaches the amazing power everyone holds for healing themselves. By extension, if a participant is unable to use the skills as soon as they believe they "should" this again could be understood to be just the rational mind setting up a deadline, when an attitude of relaxed flow is much more useful. The intellect and rational mind are not being judged either. But recognition of some of its limiting predispositions is important.

A considerable amount of time is spent early on in the process  explaining why a compassionate and non-judgmental attitude on the part of all participants is crucial and realistic.  

Thank you for your interest.

page 1

Do You Have
Or do you wish to prevent it?

Know That You Can...
For the most powerful effect, before you open this 
brochure and read the questions , please get a pen. so that you can enter the first answer that comes to your mind .

page 2


Write down the first  feeling or thought that comes to you.

1. IDENTIFY YOUR DOMINANT NEGATIVE EMOTION now and for the 2 YEARS prior to your diagnosis:  

“I often feel...(or my most disturbing feeling when it comes up is...) 


If you are not sure what you are feeling underline on or more  of the following emotions:
  • anger, resentment
  • fear, anxiety, stress, pressure
  • sadness, grief,
  • depression, 
  • guilt, remorse

If you feel like, “I don’t know. I just feel bad.” OR “I don’t have any strong feelings.” Go to the "What Am I Feeling Page at this website and do the more detailed process there.

 page 3

 2. IDENTIFY WHAT YOU DON’T WANT IN YOUR LIFE (some problem that may have begun about 2 years before the onset of the cancer.)

“I feel the emotion identified in step 1 because of the following  negative situation... (a situation OTHER than the cancer.)

3. IDENTIFY  WHAT YOU DO WANT. (A positive action step--that may feel  both energizing and a little scary)

“Because of the above problem I would like to...

page 4


“I haven’t done this before because I used to believe....”

(perhaps only up until a moment ago)

5. CREATE AN AFFIRMATION: Make it a short statement that is the antithesis of the above negative beliefs. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

  • Believe your affirmation
  • Repeat it often
  • Write it often
  • Think, speak and act  in terms of your new belief.

AND...Expect complete healing! AND YOU WILL HEAL!

page 5

Additional steps that can assist your healing: ( I will be writing separate pages to further explain the following:)
  • Meditation
  • Connectiing With Your Entity Self (your ES)
  • Altering the Past Exercise
  • Altering the Future Exercise
  • Practicing Forgiveness, Allowing and Acceptance
  • Diet, Herbs, Exercise and other physical level support

  • Do the steps outlined in the further exercises on the other "Pages" of this websiteht

  • Read my forthcoming book, The Vesica Piscis Healing Method: The Cure Steve Jobs Almost Found!

  • Email me at 
    or  call 207 443-3522. Leave a message.

About Me

The presenter is Brenda H. Nelson who has worked as a Psycho-Spiritual, Mind/Body/Spirit  Counselor since 1982. Her Ph.D. work was on  healing cancer with the mind. Her approach is totally non-judgmental and deeply compassionate.

page 6

Thank you for your interest in the Vesica Piscis Method of Healing.

(To email this page to someone, scroll down to the bottom of the screen. 
There you will find a link to,  " Posts Atom", in small white letters--hard to see. Click on that.)



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and help get a very much needed new MAC computer for this work. THANK YOU!


Thursday, December 8, 2011


If you have read the Vesica Piscis Self Healing From Cancer Brochure and got stopped in your tracks by question 2 about identifying emotions...AND... you are not sure what you are feeling. Or you just need help identifying what you are feeling--read on...

Or if you think you are just happy and easy going all the time, BUT YOU DO HAVE CANCER...know that there are some disturbing emotion and awareness that has been pushed into the subconscious. The body always accurately reflects the condition of the spirit or mind--both conscious and subconscious. But the subconscious material is not all that hard to uncover as some therapies might suggest. Several ways of accessing it are shared in this blog. And I will be adding more later.


So you can use the Vesica Piscis symbol and process to dissolve that conflict and find out what both parts of you are wanting at the bottom--which is always the same thing.

Keep in mind as you read this that while we do in fact create the mental and emotional conditions that allow for cancer and other illnesses, WE ARE NOT TO BLAME! No one is blaming you! Do not judge yourself for having cancer and know that no one else is either. Have compassion for yourself as I have compassion for you. It is challenging to face a truth we have been afraid of. But I guarantee you, once uncovered you will be relieved! THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE!

This entire posting is an exercise for you to try and get past step 2 of the brochure which can be accessed at the main page of this website.

Many Selves
First of all you need to know that we are made up of several selves--or so it feels to us when we look closely at ourselves. Imagine yourself as a bus traveling down the highway of life with several people on board--several different parts of yourself. Here are some of the cast of characters who might be on board and that you need to understand a bit better in order to discover:  what you are feeling, where the inner conflict is between selves, and how to heal yourself of cancer.

  • We have an Ego, who usually is the spokes-person for our whole self--as adults in Western Culture. He is the one usually driving the bus and is often a real control freak. He likes separation and individuality. But others do jump into the drivers seat from time to time and take the bus where they want to go.
  • For instance The Divine Child Self may occasionally take the wheel, but usually only when the Ego is too tired to care about trying to drive anymore. S/He is the part of us who was driving the bus most of the time when we were a baby or a young child. But as we grew older we allowed the ego to drive more and more often. Our Divine Child is our closest aspect to Our God Self. S/He feels Oneness, "groupness" and compassion easily. S/He loves animals and Nature. Loves to play.  S/He is highly creative and innovative. S/he loves to make art, to dance, to sing etc.--but does not like being told how to do that. She likes to improvise--that is allow her Soul to inform her as to what she would like to do next and how to do it.She is a positively emotional self--and is very powerful for having that gift.
  • There may also be a Wounded Child Self and s/he likes to poke a stick into the spokes of the ego's plans. S/he feels so dissed, so powerless and so angry that her only sense of power is to be able to mess other people up--or her own Ego self. She tends to feel like a victim, and is sometimes self righteous about it if she still has access to her anger. But if she does not, then she just looks like a victim--even of herself. This child is also emotional--but in a negative way.
  • The Body Self has it's own consciousness,  which is closely connected to the soul and emotions.
  • There can be many others: a parent self, an adult child self, an employee, or employer self, a friend self, a spouse self, a sibling self--etc. These categories can also be broken down into positive and negative aspects.

Using The VP Symbol 

So consider this Vesica Piscis symbol above. Copy it onto a sheet of paper making the diameter about 5 inches across with two overlapping smaller circles within.  Then make a list of all the different "selves" you can identify. Consider which ones might be in conflict. When you have selcted two who might be in conflict, place their titles inside of the two smaller circles on a diagram you have drawn of the VP symbol above.

The following is an example of a pretty common conflict between the Ego Self and The Divine Child Self.

On Monday morning your Divine Child Self may not want to get out of bed. S/He might be luxuriating under the covers, almost purring with delight with each roll to a new position, with each dream feeling recalled. Then suddenly the Ego wakes up too and reminds her that they must go to work! For a brief moment the Wounded Child Self may take the drivers seat and you will feel terrible--like life is victimizing you. Then the Body Self may grab the seat for a second too. And he says, "I feel so-tired. I can feel a sore throat coming on. I want to stay in bed all day." However, the so-called "responsible" Ego Self grabs the seat and announces, "We HAVE to go to work!" And off he drives.

So, for a few minutes there may have been  a terrible conflict--between The Ego Self on one side and the three weaker selves on the other side. So in this example you would put the ego on the right side and the three other selves on the left--within the two smaller circles of the diagram. I chose a small example of a conflict, which in and of itself cannot cause cancer. However, if this SORT of thing happens often with large and small issues--where the intellect or ego is always over-riding the intuitive child self--then it points to what is a much larger problem.

We are at a point in human history where we are being challenged--and challenging ourselves--to begin to take better care of our inner child. She is much wiser than the adult in many ways. S/he is closely connected to the God Self who always wants us to stop doing things THAT DON'T FEEL GOOD! She wants us to trust that we will be safer if we just do stuff that feels good. That is the bottom line of how to use the emotions as a "Guidance System." This is from Abraham as channeled by Esther Hicks.

What am I Feeling?
So let's say you are still not clear as to what the dominant negative emotion is that you may have experienced for about 2 years prior to your diagnosis (but it may be shorter or longer than 2 yrs.)

What you can do now is think again about what seems to not be working in your life. What situation or person makes you feel bad when they come to mind? Is it school? work? marriage? other relationship? Who and what in your life makes you feel the worst now. When did it begin and  what were the circumstances? You may have to watch closely and grab it fast--before a well-meaning self slaps a happy face on it and you lose the underlying emotional reality of something negative going on.

Another Exercise
If you still cannot access a negative emotion try this exercise in expanding your understanding.

  1. Understand that when something is too painful or frightening for us to face, we may push it into our subconscious minds. The subconscious is really just a collection of thoughts and events that we have sent to the "Trash Folder," on our life desk-top, to put it in computer language. Or you sent these feelings and thoughts to the landfill to be buried. Both are still accessible to the conscious mind, with a some work. But we have thus far chosen to look away from that uncomfortable smelly stuff. Maybe we choose to believe that we are flexible, cheerful people and those negative events just rolled off us like water off a duck's back. "Nothing bothers me!" "I am happy go-lucky, and flexible." "Or I am really strong and just suck it up when life gives me lemons." <:* (puckered mouth).
  2.  Understand too that negative feelings may be so systemic and/or powerful, and we may feel it so constantly and so terribly, that it may have become our default demeanor and almost impossible to see. We can't see the forest because all those  trees are in the way. We can't see the larger shape of the problem.
  3. Understand that many people experience trauma in childhood--of sexual trauma--that they bury in their subconscious minds. They have throoughly forgotten it--it would seem. It was too painful to experience fully at the time and so it had to go in the "trash" bin. Called, dissociation. But now that we are older, with help and support, we can handle knowing what happened. It may be upsetting for awhile, but it is better to get to know the wounded child who keeps sticking her stick into the spokes of our success-wheel all the time and keeping us from having, doing and being what we a cancer-free body. Yes, those festering rotting hidden emotions in the trash grow into tumors and such. If we don't pay attention to the stench and clean up the old mess, the rot may become so pervasive and systemic--throughout  our being--that we slide into ever increasing ill health and finally death. But then we are reborn into another happier reality--so it is not a big deal in a way.
  4. So ask yourself if it is most likely you are a "trauma-stuffer" or a "happy-face plasterer." They are both the same really. Just two different ways of avoiding unpleasant truths.
  5. Next just KNOW--that the old dictum "THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE" is absolutely true. Believe it and see if saying  the following affirmations for a while doesn't free up the log jam in your emotions and in your body. Try something  like "I am willing to know the truth behind my illness." And I am willing to heal." Say and write them often until they become like a mantra. It will allow the Universe to send you the information you need...just as it sent you here? If you are into prayer--then pray for truth and freedom. 
  6. When you get the answer pray for the strength to use it. Allow yourself to feel all your feelings fully for a while. As they begin to wane, try to move yourself up the scale of emotions below by one notch.
  7. Finally, when you get the picture of what emotions you have been avoiding and what the conflict is in your life that is related to the emotions--put them on your drawing of the Vesica Piscis that you made above. Put the negative emotions and aspect and part of the situation on the right and the positive on the left. 
Another Way to Access the Emotions Behind the Cancer.
This is an advanced process. It helps if you know how to meditate. But basically, sit in a quiet place and allow yourself to relax deeply. As you take three deep breaths say to yourself : #1,  "mind relax." #2,  "emotions relax," #3  "body relax." Allow yourself to slide down deeply towards sleep, but hovering just above it. Then direct your full awareness into the place where the cancer is. If you are feeling pain, go deeply and fully into the pain. As you do this allow any emotions and images and thoughts to come up.

Those emotions are the ones that point to the basic limiting belief that you need to let go of in order to heal. Ask yourself, "What belief led me to feel this way?

Going back to your Vesica Piscis diagram, put the negative emotion on the right and its positive antithesis on the left. (Or which ever side feels right to you.) Then do the same with the negative belief and its antithesis. Then consider, if there is a loving God--and there is--who sent me this disease in order to garner greater spiritual wisdom...what could I learn from these opposites. What are both sides trying to lead me to that is in the middle. What is the lowest-common- denominator-desire behind the selves who hold these conflicting beliefs and emotions.

Another Way to Access Subconscious Emotions or Repressed Material...DREAMS.
Our dreams are wonderful sources of truth. I suggest that you read Dr. Gayle Delaney's book, Living Your Dreams.  Or watch for more information on using your dreams to heal cancer at this website--but on a separate page entitled "DREAMS AS HEALERS."

One quick method is called "Dream Incubation". You simply get a dream journal and pen. Write down the question: "What emotion is causing this cancer." Say it to yourself three times as you fall asleep. Write down whatever dream you recall when you awaken. If you don't recall a dream, write down the first thoughts and feelings that you became aware of as you awoke.

The Third Way
So now we are in the space in between--in the center of the Vesica Piscis. In there lies the answer to your healing. The "center" is where we al want to be. It is the place of the most positive power.

Meditate on all that you have learned so far. Trust that there is a common ground of mutual benefit for all elements that seem to be in conflict. There is a way to solve this problem or dilemma if you keep looking for it and knowing it is there. Know that simply by giving thanks for the "conflict" and even the cancer-- that is simply a symbol of un-addressed psycho-spiritual issues--you will begin to make big strides in healing and that healing can be very rapid. I have seen complete healing of cancer happen in a month, a week, a couple of days...YES. Cancer is not hard to heal when you know:
  1. WHERE to look--WITHIN--on the mental-emtoional level of your being
  2. HOW to look--using the Vesica Piscis Method
  3. WHEN  to look--if an illness as serious as cancer is showing up, your soul is telling you that you are over due for facing the truth and changing some pet negative belief that has stopped you from moving ahead in life. There would have been other negative events earlier on that were not as lethal--an accident, a painful relationship  etc. Each time we ignore a clue and skate past a maturation point without doing the work, the soul sends us something yet more difficult to deal with--not as punishment--but rather just as stronger incentive to let go of some negative limiting belief and to adopt a new positive expanding one--the antithesis of the negative.
  • fear, anxiety, terror
  • apathy, depression
  • grief, sadness, despair, hopelessness
  • anger, rage, resentment
  • jealousy, covetousness, snarky belittling behavior, competitiveness
  • shame
  • meanness
  • desire for revenge

Many Blessings for you in your work/play--and do make it as playful as possible--enjoy your tears or rage and your new revelations--AND YOUR HEALING!

If you don't achieve healing as soon as you think you should and are getting discouraged. Just leave the process for a while. Go back to affirming that healin will come to you at the right time. Know that this process does work. There are no failures associated with it. But there may be temporary delays. Do not judge yourself, the process or me for that matter. For all the keys are in here--just be patient and persistent, when spirit moves you to try and go deeper with this.

