Dear Dr. Seltmann:
I saw on the evening news that your institute is hosting an international conference on cancer treatments in Germany.
I wanted to get in touch with Dr. Arndt but cannot find an email address for him. Could you please forward this email to him? Thank you.
What I want to say is simple. The cure for cancer is already here and known by many thousands of people. If one simply googles "Cancer Self-Healing" one is led to many stories of many people who have healed themselves of cancer. I am one of them. My story and my particular version of cancer self-healing is explained here at my website. I have led others to self-healing from cancer as well.
No other allopathic, or alternative treatments are necessary other than what I outline below. All healings from cancer happen simply through a change in mind set. The change is usually not as complex or as intellectual as I make it below. The person simply had a revelation and changed some old limiting belief. Then they acted on a new expanding and positive belief--and healed! If that healing happened concurrently with other physical level treatments--allopathic or alterntive--the healng is usually attributed to them--but it is always accomplished through simply a change from old limiting beliefs and actions to new expansive beliefs and actions.
In my best assessment, the way ANY healing from cancer takes place is through a positive change in consciousness, followed by new positive action. This happens...
1.... because there are only two things in the Universe--energy and consciousness
2. ...and because consciousness shapes energy into matter and events through the "Law of Attraction."
All human beings are ONLY pure consciousness that is shaping energy into good health or illness through the Law of Attraction.
Health is created by aligning one's consciousness with Ultimate Spiritual Truth (UST) which is always positive.
Illness-- including cancer--is created by being out of alignment with UST. In other words the consciousness has decided to entertain thoughts that are simply not true. Thoughts that are entertained often over a period of time become "beliefs." Positive beliefs that feel good create good health. Negative beliefs that have accompanying negative feelings produce ill health. When the negative thought is new and small, the ill health is small--a hangnail or sore throat-- for example. But the longer the negative thought is entertained, and the more energy is added to it--the more serious the threat to the health becomes. Entertained until the end the negative thought will literally finally kill the body.
Cancer--in my experience and that of many other healers-- is caused by entertaining angry thoughts for a very long time that include projections of personal power out onto others. This leads to resentment and blame and hatred. Anger towards others is ALWAYS caused by an inappropriate projection of personal power onto them.
We all have the same amount of "thought power." So it only SEEMS that someone else has done something to us that we did not allow. We all "ALLOW" everything that happens in our lives. There are no victims.
The Universe sends us whatever we think about the most--consciously or unconsciously. This is called "The Law of Attraction."
NOT understanding this law allows us to think that other's have power over us.
EG. The Jews had a "victim" mindset for a very long time before the holocaust (and since). However, in point of fact, Germany and the Jews CO-CREATED the holocaust together--one as perpetrator and one as victim. But BOTH WERE EQUALLY POWERFUL in creating this extremely negative event, through The Law of Attraction. Both were projecting power onto the other. They both feared each-other--and created a collective projection of personal power out onto the other. AND THAT IS SIMPLY NOT IN ALIGNMENT WITH UST.
UST is always positive. The Universe allows us complete freedom to use our consciousness to creatively imagine anything--negative or positive. Positive thinking brings positive events. Negative thinking brings negative events.
However, negative beliefs and emotions--even unconscious ones--most be brought up to the light of day and examined and felt first, before moving on incrementally towards UST and a full positive understanding of one's personal power.
Myself: 30 years ago I was nurturing everyone but myself--and exhausting myself. I did nothing for myself. Due to my religious up-bringing I thought this was good and right--even though it did not feel good to do it to the extreme extent I was doing it. I developed breast cancer--the breast are a symbol of nurturance. I looked it up in Louise Hays simple and seminal work "Heal Your Body" and used her affirmation. Soon I stopped giving so much of myself away and started giving to myself much more. I felt much happier and the tumor disappeared rapidly--in a couple of weeks.
I visited a wealthy older man in the hospital who had late stage prostate cancer. He had big control issues. He wanted to control his grown son's life--but could not and so was always VERY frustrated and angry. After we talked, he understood what he had been doing--projecting his own life onto his son's (and feeling powerless and emasculated). Once he understood, he stopped. I got him very interested in pursuing some old interests of his own that stimulated the right hemisphere of the brain (improvising on the piano, spending time in nature and making art). He started a new life. His anger and frustration turned into appreciation for his son's life and his own. The cancer was completely gone in less than a month--and with no further allopathic treatments.
CASE # 3
A nurse came to me who had just been diagnosed with colon cancer--had X-rays that showed numerous polyps throughout her IT. She was scheduled to go for surgery in one week. We talked and I asked her, "What is bothering you most in your life right now?" She immediately told a story of a troublesome, bitter, blaming, twenty-two year old something son living in her home and not working, He was ruining her relationship with her boyfriend. She was very angry but had not realized it--had not allowed it. Had felt guilty and responsible for the young man's unhappiness, because she had divorced his dad. She expressed her anger in my office, by beating on some pillows. Afterwards, I gave her an affirmation to say that supported her self love and her right to put herself first. Then she went home and "laid down the law" to her son. She told him he was to make a plan for his new life and move out in 30 days. She came back to me a week later--after having seen the doctor. At this second visit he had taken one more X-ray--and was astounded to find that it was completely clear! Not a single polyp. She had had no other treatment during that one week between the two X-rays.
She had only changed an old limiting belief (that she needed to sacrifice her own happiness for her son's) to a positive one (that she had the right to put her own happiness first). Then based on her new belief she changed her actions and her life. And by doing so she moved into alignment with UST--which is always on our side, and which always makes us feels good when we do it.
That is how cancer (or any illness) is healed. I hope Dr. Arndt and you will share this information at the conference this week--at least as a viable theory to entertain. Thank you.
Sincerely Yours,
Brenda H. Nelson