Sunday, April 22, 2012


Knowledge of the fact that a cure for cancer already exists is spreading around the world--not only from this website , but also from the many others offering similar information.

More and more people are learning about how to heal themselves from cancer--and all other illnesses as well. Once one knows how to heal from cancer, it is possible to use the basic methodology for anything else from a hang nail on up!

Cutting right to the chase, if you want to heal from cancer:
1. Get really honest with yourself about what is distressing you the most in your life (besides the cancer).
2. Know that there is a central limiting belief of yours that is causing that distress. The root cause of the cancer lies there in that belief.
3. Know that thus far you have resisted facing this positive truth fully and that parts of you may continue to resist, because they feel they will lose something important--but they won't! Have courage and faith!
4. Turn the limiting belief 180 degrees to Truth and act on that truth, and HEALING WILL FOLLOW.

For Example:
1.  A wife and mother may feel very distressed by the fact that she is always caring for others (not herself) and she can never seem to give enough. She feels stressed out much of the time and over-extended.  And now she has breast cancer on top of everything else!

2. Her central limiting belief may be, that "extreme-giving is good." Or by extension: she must give more than she gets; or she must give more than she (her Inner Child) really wants to; or that it is better to give than to receive; or that mothers and wives are supposed to give until they are exhausted; or, it is good to be "hard worker"; or self- sacrifice is holy; or, unhappiness is natural in life, etc. BUT, these are ALL limiting beliefs!

3. She (her adult-self) has resisted knowing that her Inner Child is screaming for attention, rest,  self-care and self-nurturing. And, because she is not getting that for her Inner Child, the child-self is deeply resentful. A conflict has arisen between the Inner Child a more outer "self"--a cultural "adult" self--wants something different. Her culture (others) has taught her that it is GOOD to do all the above forms of extreme-giving. And she wants to feel like a good person. She wants approbation from others and from this adult-self who has absorbed her culture's values.

 However, what others think of her is actually VASTLY less important than what the deeper parts of herself desire. The deepest parts are her Inner Child and her Entity Self. They are feeling-based-beings and her life will run smoother and healthier when she thinks/feels/does things that naturally make them happy.

She was born with an "emotional guidance system" that connected her to her Entity Self (ES) and to "True Values--" Universal Values that go beyond cultural fads. However, she has grown up now and is out of touch with much of her the power to act on the feelings her ES sends her. Her culture has taught her to ignore her feelings to the point that she may not even know what she is really feeling. This is the biggest crime that can be perpetrated on a child.

What she now has left--for the most part-- are culturally induced feelings of self-approbation as well as whatever strokes from others she can allow. Thats all.  She has learned to act on these adopted values in childhood, in order to feel good.  However, these are secondary feelings brought about by her conformance to the expectations of others--and that often does not conform to "True Values," her Inner Child's desires or her Entity Self's desires. He is a wise being who really does know what is best for her. But he never pushes it on her. He always allows her free-will.

The feelings the conformance to culture brings about are not true, deep happiness. Pleasing one's deepest Self brings about true happiness and health--including healing from cancer.

So her first job is to allow her deepest feelings to arise. They still exist, but have become very quiet voices. The only way they could get her attention, in fact, was to add physical feelings of pain to her already intense emotional feelings of pain.

4. So her new belief could simply be "I come first. I will still have enough to give others at the right time and in the right way. My Inner Child will know when and how to do that --and she will feel natural pleasure doing it!" Then she must act on it--begin to find out what pleases her Inner Child and do it--often. That is the "saying YES" part--yes to her Inner Child and ES,

Saying NO to other people is the next part. That can be both frightening and liberating for her. The more she can allow herself her rights to self-care, the less negative feed back she will get from others; the more respect and support she will receive from them as well. Her new belief is based on "self esteem," "self-respect" and "dignity." And these are very attractive qualities to others. But MUCH more importantly, they are very pleasing to the Inner Child and the Entity Self.

As she begins to act on this new belief, her body will begin to heal quickly. The cancer will no longer be needed. For it was just a teacher/messenger all the time and she has divined its message--so he can now leave! (Fighting the messenger -- as mainstream medicine recommends--is always counterproductive.)

So Happy Healing! Try not to make it work. Just play at it.
