Thursday, December 20, 2012


Hi _________:
My family is well. I hope that yours is too.
I am honored that you have chosen to confide your fears and your worrisome [breast] condition with me.

I know it can seem unbelievable at first, but the more you use the steps outlined in the website the more you will see that it works and you will come to believe. I have used them all of my life and have healed myself of one thing after another. Now I have only occasional minor ailments, which I apply the same techniques to--and heal.

So even though you have not been diagnosed with cancer, it is good that you are paying attention to changes in your breasts. It does have importance for your health. May I ask how old you are?

If you are young and going through puberty it is normal for your breasts to change size. Breast size can vary a little bit also with were you are in your monthly menstrual cycle.

So I will address your question about heredity first and I will add the question and answer to my website as it is a very good question.

Do you believe in reincarnation? Or the eternal nature of the soul? I do. In fact I know these are both facts.

So given these facts and also the fact that we were conscious before we were born, the picture about heredity begins to come together.

We are fully conscious  and spiritually mature beings before we are born into this life.
And before we were born we discussed with our spiritual teachers what spiritual issue we wanted to focus upon in the next life. This life.

When we had selected an issue, we then met with other souls who had the same issue, for we wanted to be part of a family that could reflect our issue in either positive and negative ways--or both. We wanted to have the reflection to study--like looking in a mirror so we could see in someone else close to us what was perhaps more difficult to see in our selves. You know how that can be? It is sometimes easier to see other people's problems and solutions than it is to see our own.

Before we were born we also considered entering many different ancestral families. We looked at many family histories to see if they were dealing with this same spiritual issue that we were interested in. All individuals in all families do this before their birth.

So, having selected an issue, we then we  selected a family--and their family history--their ancestors--who had been working on this spiritual issue--sometimes for many generations. This spiritual issue, if not dealt with, would lead to serious health issues. The spiritual issue would even affect the genes. Thus, to doctors of Western Medicine (which is all over the world now) it APPEARS to them that the gene causes the health issue. That is because they only look at the physical level of any illness.

The male mind only looks at the surface of things. The female mind looks deeper. But the female mind is not respected in the world these days. (And many women are trying to be like men instead of trying to be like their own deepest feminine being. They give up power and authority to men--to the male mind. This is a big mistake.)

Please understand that when I speak of a "spiritual issue" I mean that there will be both positive and negative sides to the issue. For example, there may be an issue of power in one family. And in that family some members will seem powerful and dominating, others will express power wisely through strength and love, others will have the issue of feeling powerless--perhaps being bullied or abused. So all sides of the issue may be reflected in the family. Or the family may choose to experience just one aspect of power--you know how some families seem to be powerless generation after generation? That is their choice before they are born--to experience this and to try to learn the true nature of PERSONAL  power. Power over others is not real power at all. We only have power over ourselves. And in reality--no-one else has any power over us that we do not give them. So when someone from a long-time powerless family finally understands their own PERSONAL POWER they begin to be able to make positive changes. They stop feeling and acting powerless. They begin to make good things happen in their lives.

So that is one example.

With any health issue one should look at the function of the organ involved. In your case it is the breasts. Breasts are meant to nurture. But oftentimes women make the spiritual mistake of being overly concerned with nurturing or "care-taking" others. They put themselves second or even last most of the time. Their spiritual issue is often about  learning how to nurture themselves first--and when they feel that their inner child is happy...then...if they still have time and interest in doing so, they can nurture others as well. But it is of great spiritual importance to women in this day and age to realize that we have been living  for thousands of years in a world wide culture that said we should put men first--take care of them, then our children, then our parents, then people less fortunate than us...and then finally, if we had any time, love and energy left over..we could give ourselves something. This is NOT good.

Many women around the world are calling this a "patriarchal culture". It is not as things should be. Many women around the world are now starting to put themselves first--and this is as it should be. This is not basically political, but rather it is basically spiritual. It is the way things are meant to be. We are meant to put our selves first, then our children second, our mothers third, sisters after that and then the men in our families. Men must learn to stop using women so much as  servants and learn to take care of themselves more. It will be very good for them too.

Well, I hope that this is of some assistance to you.

Again, look for the thing that is bothering you the most, on the deepest level of feeling you can access. Consider that the beliefs behind the feeling may NOT be true. Try believing something that feels better to you and watch your feelings change. Then ACT on your new beliefs and feelings and watch your body become healthy!

Peace and Blessings

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Knowledge of the fact that a cure for cancer already exists is spreading around the world--not only from this website , but also from the many others offering similar information.

More and more people are learning about how to heal themselves from cancer--and all other illnesses as well. Once one knows how to heal from cancer, it is possible to use the basic methodology for anything else from a hang nail on up!

Cutting right to the chase, if you want to heal from cancer:
1. Get really honest with yourself about what is distressing you the most in your life (besides the cancer).
2. Know that there is a central limiting belief of yours that is causing that distress. The root cause of the cancer lies there in that belief.
3. Know that thus far you have resisted facing this positive truth fully and that parts of you may continue to resist, because they feel they will lose something important--but they won't! Have courage and faith!
4. Turn the limiting belief 180 degrees to Truth and act on that truth, and HEALING WILL FOLLOW.

For Example:
1.  A wife and mother may feel very distressed by the fact that she is always caring for others (not herself) and she can never seem to give enough. She feels stressed out much of the time and over-extended.  And now she has breast cancer on top of everything else!

2. Her central limiting belief may be, that "extreme-giving is good." Or by extension: she must give more than she gets; or she must give more than she (her Inner Child) really wants to; or that it is better to give than to receive; or that mothers and wives are supposed to give until they are exhausted; or, it is good to be "hard worker"; or self- sacrifice is holy; or, unhappiness is natural in life, etc. BUT, these are ALL limiting beliefs!

3. She (her adult-self) has resisted knowing that her Inner Child is screaming for attention, rest,  self-care and self-nurturing. And, because she is not getting that for her Inner Child, the child-self is deeply resentful. A conflict has arisen between the Inner Child a more outer "self"--a cultural "adult" self--wants something different. Her culture (others) has taught her that it is GOOD to do all the above forms of extreme-giving. And she wants to feel like a good person. She wants approbation from others and from this adult-self who has absorbed her culture's values.

 However, what others think of her is actually VASTLY less important than what the deeper parts of herself desire. The deepest parts are her Inner Child and her Entity Self. They are feeling-based-beings and her life will run smoother and healthier when she thinks/feels/does things that naturally make them happy.

She was born with an "emotional guidance system" that connected her to her Entity Self (ES) and to "True Values--" Universal Values that go beyond cultural fads. However, she has grown up now and is out of touch with much of her the power to act on the feelings her ES sends her. Her culture has taught her to ignore her feelings to the point that she may not even know what she is really feeling. This is the biggest crime that can be perpetrated on a child.

What she now has left--for the most part-- are culturally induced feelings of self-approbation as well as whatever strokes from others she can allow. Thats all.  She has learned to act on these adopted values in childhood, in order to feel good.  However, these are secondary feelings brought about by her conformance to the expectations of others--and that often does not conform to "True Values," her Inner Child's desires or her Entity Self's desires. He is a wise being who really does know what is best for her. But he never pushes it on her. He always allows her free-will.

The feelings the conformance to culture brings about are not true, deep happiness. Pleasing one's deepest Self brings about true happiness and health--including healing from cancer.

So her first job is to allow her deepest feelings to arise. They still exist, but have become very quiet voices. The only way they could get her attention, in fact, was to add physical feelings of pain to her already intense emotional feelings of pain.

4. So her new belief could simply be "I come first. I will still have enough to give others at the right time and in the right way. My Inner Child will know when and how to do that --and she will feel natural pleasure doing it!" Then she must act on it--begin to find out what pleases her Inner Child and do it--often. That is the "saying YES" part--yes to her Inner Child and ES,

Saying NO to other people is the next part. That can be both frightening and liberating for her. The more she can allow herself her rights to self-care, the less negative feed back she will get from others; the more respect and support she will receive from them as well. Her new belief is based on "self esteem," "self-respect" and "dignity." And these are very attractive qualities to others. But MUCH more importantly, they are very pleasing to the Inner Child and the Entity Self.

As she begins to act on this new belief, her body will begin to heal quickly. The cancer will no longer be needed. For it was just a teacher/messenger all the time and she has divined its message--so he can now leave! (Fighting the messenger -- as mainstream medicine recommends--is always counterproductive.)

So Happy Healing! Try not to make it work. Just play at it.


Monday, March 19, 2012


Here is the cancer brochure. A short and sweet description of the Vesica Piscis Method of Healing Cancer. However, if you feel you need help with these can call Brenda Nelson for a telephone appointment at 207 443-3522. RATE: $60/hour.  The fee can be negotiated if you are in financial need.


The Vesica Piscis Method is taught by Brenda H. Nelson, who has worked as a Psycho-Spiritual, Mind/Body Counselor since 1982. Her Ph.D. work was on the healing of cancer with the mind. Her approach is totally non-judgmental and deeply compassionate. She has healed herself of cancer and led others with cancer to self-healing as well--totally through changes in the mind. The source of all illness is in the mind. We are eternal beings of pure consciousness/spirit. What is in our consciousness affects our bodies for better or worse, from moment to moment. 

Vesica Piscis Healing Ctr.
12 Renshaw Dr., Ste. B-4
  West Bath, ME 04530
TELEPHONE: 207 443-3522 Emergencies: 207 417-0603

Do You Have

Know That You Can

But before you proceed, please print out this page.


Write down the first feeling or thought that comes to you.

1. IDENTIFY YOUR DOMINANT NEGATIVE EMOTION now and for at least the 2 YEARS prior to your diagnosis:  
“I often feel/felt....(or my most disturbing feeling when it comes up  is...." (In other words, what is bothering you the most these days -- besides the cancer. It may be even be a lifelong issue. Other family members may share the issue. 

If you are not sure what you are feeling underline one or more of the following lines

anger, resentment
fear, anxiety, stress, pressure
sadness, grief,
guilt, remorse
trying to be happy no matter what
putting on a happy face (that ignores and covers deep sadness or anger)

If you feel like, “I don’t know. I just feel bad.” OR “I don’t have any strong feelings.” Go to  the page entitled "What am I Feeling?" in this website. Click on that title in the "Page bar" near the top of this page.

 2. IDENTIFY WHAT YOU DON’T WANT IN YOUR LIFE : Some problem that may have begun about 2 years (or earlier) before the onset of the cancer, something other than the cancer.

“I feel the emotion identified in step 1 because of the following  negative situation... (a situation OTHER than the cancer.)



3. IDENTIFY  WHAT YOU DO WANT. (A positive action step--that may feel both energizing and a little scary)

“Because of the above problem I would like to...




“I haven’t done this before because I used to believe....”

(perhaps only up until a moment ago)_____________________________________________________________________


5. CREATE AN AFFIRMATION: Make it a short POSITIVE statement that is the antithesis of the above negative beliefs and feelings. ______________________________________________________________________________________________



  • Believe your affirmation
  • Repeat it often
  • Write it often
  • Think, speak and act  in terms of your new belief.

FINALLY, expect complete healing! And it will be yours.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

AN OPEN LETTER TO "The International Cancer Conference"

Dear Dr. Seltmann:
I saw on the evening news that your institute is hosting an international conference on cancer treatments in Germany.

I wanted to get in touch with Dr. Arndt but cannot find an email address for him. Could you please forward this email to him? Thank you.
What I want to say is simple. The cure for cancer is already here and known by many thousands of people. If one simply googles "Cancer Self-Healing" one is led to many stories of many people who have healed themselves of cancer. I am one of them. My story and my particular version of cancer self-healing is explained here at my website. I have led others to self-healing from cancer as well. 

No other allopathic, or alternative treatments are necessary other than what I outline below. All healings from cancer happen simply through a change in mind set. The change is usually not as complex or as intellectual as I make it below. The person simply had a revelation and changed some old limiting belief. Then they acted on a new expanding and positive belief--and healed! If that healing happened concurrently with other physical level treatments--allopathic or alterntive--the healng is usually attributed to them--but it is always accomplished through simply a change from old limiting beliefs and actions to new expansive beliefs and actions.

In my best assessment, the way ANY healing from cancer takes place is through a positive change in consciousness, followed by new positive action. This happens...

1.... because there are only two things in the Universe--energy and consciousness

2. ...and because consciousness shapes energy into matter and events through the "Law of Attraction."

All human beings are ONLY pure consciousness that is shaping energy into good health or illness through the Law of Attraction.


Health is created by aligning one's consciousness with Ultimate Spiritual Truth (UST) which is always positive.

Illness-- including cancer--is created by being out of alignment with UST. In other words the consciousness has decided to entertain thoughts that are simply not true. Thoughts that are entertained often over a period of time become "beliefs." Positive beliefs that feel good create good health. Negative beliefs that have accompanying negative feelings produce ill health. When the negative thought is new and small, the ill health is small--a hangnail or sore throat-- for example. But the longer the negative thought is entertained, and the more energy is added to it--the more serious the threat to the health becomes. Entertained until the end the negative thought will literally finally kill the body.

Cancer--in my experience and that of many other healers-- is caused by entertaining angry thoughts for a very long time that include projections of personal power out onto others. This leads to resentment and blame and hatred. Anger towards others is ALWAYS caused by an inappropriate projection of personal power onto them.

We all have the same amount of "thought power." So it only SEEMS that someone else has done something to us that we did not allow. We all "ALLOW" everything that happens in our lives. There are no victims.

The Universe sends us whatever we think about the most--consciously or unconsciously. This is called "The Law of Attraction." 

NOT understanding this law allows us to think that other's have power over us. 

EG. The Jews had a "victim" mindset for a very long time before the holocaust (and since). However, in point of fact, Germany and the Jews CO-CREATED the holocaust together--one as perpetrator and one as victim. But BOTH WERE EQUALLY POWERFUL in creating this extremely negative event, through The Law of Attraction. Both were projecting power onto the other. They both feared each-other--and created a collective projection of personal power out onto the other. AND THAT IS SIMPLY NOT IN ALIGNMENT WITH UST.

UST is always positive. The Universe allows us complete freedom to use our consciousness to creatively imagine anything--negative or positive. Positive thinking brings positive events. Negative thinking brings negative events. 

However, negative beliefs and emotions--even unconscious ones--most be brought up to the light of day and examined and felt first, before moving on incrementally towards UST and a full positive understanding of one's personal power.

Myself: 30 years ago I was nurturing everyone but myself--and exhausting myself. I did nothing for myself. Due to my religious up-bringing I thought this was good and right--even though it did not feel good to do it to the extreme extent I was doing it. I developed breast cancer--the breast are a symbol of nurturance. I looked it up in Louise Hays simple and seminal work "Heal Your Body" and used her affirmation. Soon I stopped giving so much of myself away and started giving to myself much more. I felt much happier and the tumor disappeared rapidly--in a couple of weeks.

I visited a wealthy older man in the hospital who had late stage prostate cancer. He had big control issues. He wanted to control his grown son's life--but could not and so was always VERY frustrated and angry. After we talked, he understood what he had been doing--projecting his own life onto his son's (and feeling powerless and emasculated). Once he understood, he stopped. I got him very interested in pursuing some old interests of his own that stimulated the right hemisphere of the brain (improvising on the piano, spending time in nature and making art). He started a new life. His anger and frustration turned into appreciation for his son's life and his own. The cancer was completely gone in less than a month--and with no further allopathic treatments.

CASE # 3
A nurse came to me who had just been diagnosed with colon cancer--had X-rays that showed numerous polyps throughout her IT. She was scheduled to go for surgery in one week. We talked and I asked her, "What is bothering you most in your life right now?" She immediately told a story of a troublesome, bitter, blaming, twenty-two year old something son living in her home and not working, He was ruining her relationship with her boyfriend. She was very angry but had not realized it--had not allowed it. Had felt guilty and responsible for the young man's unhappiness, because she had divorced his dad. She expressed her anger in my office, by beating on some pillows. Afterwards, I gave her an affirmation to say that supported her self love and her right to put herself first. Then she went home and "laid down the law" to her son. She told him he was to make a plan for his new life and move out in 30 days. She came back to me a week later--after having seen the doctor. At this second visit he had taken one more X-ray--and was astounded to find that it was completely clear! Not a single polyp. She had had no other treatment during that one week between the two X-rays. 

She had only changed an old limiting belief (that she needed to sacrifice her own happiness for her son's) to a positive one (that she had the right to put her own happiness first). Then based on her new belief she changed her actions and her life. And by doing so she moved into alignment with UST--which is always on our side, and which always makes us feels good when we do it.

That is how cancer (or any illness) is healed. I hope Dr. Arndt and you will share this information at the conference this week--at least as a viable theory to entertain. Thank you.

Sincerely Yours,
Brenda H. Nelson

Thursday, January 26, 2012


I Had been successfully using self-healing methods on myself and with my counseling clients for a few years when I came across my first cancer case. This was back in 1977. James (I will call him) was in the hospital with an advanced case of liver cancer. His wife took me to visit him there.

They were a wealthy older couple with two grown children and a large extended family. They had a year 'round home on the ocean with a large family compound comprised of several old New England homes where other members of their family came to stay off and on.

But the patriarch was in the later stages of cancer and his wife and the rest of the family were open to trying anything at that point. So they called me in. At that time little was known about Mind/Body healing among the general public.

So I arrived at the hospital room  as "Corn Maiden", so to speak. Not in costume but bearing with me an ear of fresh corn. I also brought a copy of Louise Hay's seminal work--Heal Your Body--and my own small treatise on Self-Healing Skills (available soon at this website.)

I first explained to him that all illnesses come from the mental level of our being first. They arise in response to a limiting belief we have adopted that does not "nourish" us spiritually. Certain negative emotions then precipitate out of those limiting beliefs.

With the ear of corn I demonstrated to him that in order to get to the spiritual food he needed, we would have to peel away the now unnecessary layers of limiting beliefs--the leaves of protection he had needed for a certain type of growth. Those beliefs I pointed out may have served him for a while, perhaps to shield him while he grew to a place where he could face the cob, containing many associated kernals of truth at the center of his psyche. When one is not ready to face the truth, however, it is premature to peel away those leaves. The kernals will be unripe and will not serve as nourishment.

So I invited him to contemplate the leaves of protection that he might have. The leaves will be things that bother oneself about others usually. They are issues that belong to us, things about ourselves we don't like, but are unwilling to face. We project them away from ourself to protect our self. They are actually projections from one's own limiting beliefs about one's self. So it's nothing to be ashamed of.

 We are all perfectly imperfect. Look at a forest. Is there a perfect tree there? No. Some seem healthier than others, but all have flaws. God made them all, and people like trees are all imperfect to a degree. It's allowed. It's needed. But noticing our limitations and asking for something better and expecting it is very important too. It allows the Universe to expand. So trees and people allow the useless to drop away and be recycled in the ground of our collective being ( the earth as it were), and in the right season we grow new branches or leaves. And eventually we die and transform to something that has gained a great deal from our experience in life.

 But, I pointed out to him, first we see our limitations in others.  They are mirrors for us.  So I then asked him. "What is it about others that bothers you most?" I suggested he look for a thread running through all of the people over his lifetime that had upset, or frightened or saddened him... or  perhpas just annoyed him. What it was about them. Was there a lowest common denominator that pulled them together?

Then when he seemed ready the protective layers that he had built up around that sore place and to face the truth with courage, I invited him to look COMPASSIONATELY at what he had been seeing in others that might really also be about him. Then I left.

It was only a few days later that James called me and asked me to to visit him again in the hospital. This time I brought with my dowsing rods. I can see people's aura's but I used dowsing rods then to show people their own aura's (electromagnetic field.) They were quite effective at first. I no longer use them and do not recommend them or other similar tools of divination for reasons I will speak about in another blog.

When I arrived, I immediately noticed that his aura was larger and his color was better already. I had hardly taken a seat when he said he had identified the main problem in his life and had been contemplating how it might be affecting him emotionally. I could tell he had made some distinctive progress already. And truth be told, all the information about self-healing is available within ourselves--without needing anyone else to lead us...but outside guidance can be helpful.

I sat down next to his hospital bed and soon he was unburdening himself to me about the problem he had identified. He said that he had been very worried about his adult children--especially his son. He had many fears abut his career. However, his son (and others in his large family) would take no advice from him. This left him feeling powerless and angry. But he was beginning to realize that he needed to let go of them and allow them to make their own decisions and the best thing he could do was just love them unconditionally--and stop worrying about them. I agreed completely and added that our fears for those we love actually increase the likelihood of their experiencing just what we don't want for them.

I also emphasized that we all live in a safe and loving Universe which turns every crisis into a positive opportunity for spiritual growth. I also added that we each have an Entity Self who is there to act as a guardian angel to us if we call on them. So simply knowing that would help him and his children to relax more and to begin to bring more positive outcomes to themselves.

It was largely a control issue for him. His ego mind felt that he had to struggle for control over his son in order to protect him. He deeply resented that his son would not allow him any control over his life, or listen to any advice. (This was quite understandable since, in fac,t the son was doing very well in every way. But the father had been a super achiever and his son did not quite measure up to his unreasonable standards.

So realizing that it was not his responsibility and not really within his power to help his son in the way he had been trying, was a great relief to him. Then father and son sat down and had a very cathartic heart to heart talk that improved their relationship tremendously.

James was so improved after that--  in both appearance and demeanor-- that his doctors decided to   send him home for a while. He and his family were overjoyed--as was I.

I then had a couple of more suggestions for him to try out at home.

To help further his new positive direction I invited him to focus more on himself --on his own enjoyment of life. I asked what he had liked doing when he was younger? "Play the piano." He stated quickly. Then I asked him what he liked to play and he shared that he loved classical music. I asked if he had played much in recent years and learned that he had not. So I suggested that he take it up again, daily--and that he add creating his own original music to his repertoire. Any artistic expression done in free form is extremely healing.

I also suggested that he go out each day that there was good weather and sit under a giant oak tree that stood on his large property (one that included both ocean beach and forest.) He did this as well.

About a week later he returned to the hospital as an outpatient for further testing--and was totally amazed when he received the results of that a while later. HE WAS COMPLETELY CLEAR OF ALL CANCER!

Unfortunately, the doctors convinced him to have further radiation and chemotherapy, by saying that some few cancer cells might be "lurking" and hiding--even though they could see none-- and they needed to destroy them all. Both his family and I advised against such debilitating treatments. But he allowed himself to be swayed by the doctors and underwent the unnecessary (to my mind) treatments, which turned his hand black where they administered the chemicals, and  made him quite ill.

However,  once they were done, he quickly regained his full health and the cancer never returned.

Monday, January 2, 2012


I need to know what you are thinking and feeling about this website in order to improve it. I know much more than I have yet presented here. What question do you have in your heart and mind right now? Even if it is a negative comment--please share it with me.


Renowned Chinese psychiatrist, Tien-Sheng Hsu is using  psycho-spiritual methods to cure cancer. His work--like mine--is based, in part, on the information we both gathered from the Seth books, as channeled by Jane Roberts. Our major premises are the same. See more about him at Read more of my comments on his techniques at the page entitled "CANCER CURES OF OTHERS."